Saturday 12 September 2015

Bayern gets away with an unconvincing win.

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Bayern won 2-1 against Augsburg. The bavarian side are used to winning with more comfortable scoreline but instead they have to struggle to win this one. Their spanish coach, Pep Guardiola even admitted himself that his side win isn't very convincing.

NOT HAVING A GOOD GAME : Arturo Vidal as he struggles in this game.

 Fingers have been pointed towards the Chilean. Having to score two late goals from Thomas Mueller and Robert Lewandowski to clench the win is definitely not something that is expected of Bayern Munchen. To be frank, since Pep Guardiola took over as the boss for Bayern, to me they have been going downhill. The spaniard tries to implement his Tiki-Taka gameplans to the German team who are already used to having played a more direct style of football. I don't really see Bayern Munchen to be winning the Champions League any time soon with Pep Guardiola in charge. 

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